“A Christian woman started a prison sentence in Iran on 31 August for “propaganda” against the government after earlier refusing pressure from judges to renounce her faith.”
Fatemeh Bakhteri is to serve one year in prison after her Christian work led to her being convicted.
Fatemeh Bakhteri, a Muslim convert, has started one-year prison sentence in Iran for “propaganda” against the government.
Fatemeh, also known as Ailar, was also forced by two judges to renounce her faith, but she refused. And in May 2019, her appeal was rejected. She was finally taken to jail at Evin Prison in Tehran on 31 August. The prison is famous for inhumane interrogations and the abusive treatment of inmates.
She had been going to court with another Christian convert, Saheb Fadaie, who was convicted of “acting against national security” and sentenced to 18 months in prison and 2 years in exile in Hamedan. Saheb, who also refused to renounce his faith, is already serving a 10 year prison sentence for other Christian activities.
Another Iranian Christian woman, Roksari Kanbari, 65, was sent to prison on 29 July after being convicted for “propaganda against the system”.
The appeals against prison sentences of three Assyrian Christians, Pastor Victor Bet Tamraz, his wife, Shamiram, and their son, Ramiel, for “acting against national security” were postponed on 3 September after the judge failed to turn up.
Source: From Barnabas Fund contacts and other sources
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